Thursday, April 08, 2010

Image sequence to video-file via Blender

It is often recommended that you render out a 3d-animation not as a video-file but as a sequence of image files. Now, this leaves you with the task of converting this image sequence to a video-file in some other way. Of course, almost all video editing packages can do this, but what are the free options. One often overlooked tool for this purpose is Blender (an open-source 3d-package), which includes some basic video-editing functionality. In the video below I've tried to outline the basic steps for converting an image sequence to a (in this case) quicktime MOV-file.


Truls O. Johansen said...

I actually use the blender compositor for this. It doesn't handle negative sequence numbers, though. Any tips for that?

Ulf Andersson said...

Unfortunately not. It is an interesting question though. I'll have a look into it as soon as regular work permits.