Tuesday, December 13, 2005

About collaborative work

Another quote, this time from Alchemist101, on the subject of collaborative works over the internet.

I've spent the last year getting involved in as many web based team projects as I can for experience.....

The best web collaboration projects that I have been involved in have all had a solid foundation. There has been someone firmly in charge, with a clear vision, a strong concept commited to paper, and of course, a lot of drive and determination.

The worst ones are always the ones where you get little direction and no concept work to start from. It sounds good if a project leader gives you artistic freedom to design and build a character, but it just doesnt work when you bring all the seperate elements together.

I dont want to sound like an ass here but when you are involved in a collaboration you can tell quite quickly whether its going to last the course or not. I have started models for team projects only to find out that the team leader is a 16 year old in his bedroom who thought it might be cool to do an animated movie - then realise that he had gone off the idea.

I think that if you wish to lead a collaborative project that involves other people then you should have completed an animated short by yourself, so that you know what your getting yourself into

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